Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Apacplpti Romance

 woke up to a crashing noise, i looked at the clock and it was the middle of the night. I grabbed the frying pan out of my closet that I keep for instances such as this. i lifted it up in a swinging position and quickly ran into the hallway and looked down the stairs to see ZOMBIES!!! They were everywhere! I scanned through the herd and found my brother Tyler, only thing is he was one of them… when I finished processing the fact i was alone in this I continued looking and saw the crashing noise was my front door! They had knocked down the door i had bolted shut not even three hours ago. I hid behind the corner of the wall and just when i was catching my breath a zombie walked around the corner, it didn't see me and i hit it WHACK!!! All the zombies turned and saw the zombie go down. They now knew where i was. “ dag-nam-it!” i whispered to myself. I started running up the flight of stairs just down the hallway up to the attic, as i was running up a zombie grabbed my leg, right as i was about to bite my leg i smashed his head in BAMB!
“GOTCHA!” I yelled out only to showing the zombies out of my bedroom and to the stairs of the attic. I ran up those stairs faster than the flash. Once i got up there i realized i was stuck. No food. No water. No way to call for help. There was no way out. I was screwed. I then decided to look out the window to see my neighbor with a shotgun.

“Rob! Rob! ROB! Help they trapped me in the attic!” i yelled and he nodded.
 I heard a BaNG and then a few more after that along with some cursing from a not so happy Rob. I watched as he came through the door and before i could warn him a zombie he missed came up and bit him right on the neck, I heard a SQUISH, POP, and SCREAMS coming from Rob as the zombie ate his neck.

“Take my gun and run!” he yelled at me through his sobs.
    After i got the gun I ran to Robs home to get his family to make sure they are safe. As I ran into the house, I was greeted by a group of screaming peopl


  1. Your story was a really good read! It had many elements of the gothic style of writing. Also, I noticed that you used a lot of onomatopoeia in your short story. That made me feel like I was part of the story. Also, I like your edge- of- your- seat approach to the events in the story. Also, you used the style of science fiction because of the zombies. Your story kept me wanting to read more and you did a great job!
    ~ Nia Mack

  2. I liked how your story was about zombies.I didnt see much stories likes yours. I give your storya 10/10. I like the element where you compared your running to the flash. Good job on your story. You should have made another paragraph it was getting good.

  3. Although short, I liked this story alot it had big character and I loved it alot. With some misspelled word and a few grammar issues it was im pecable and I enjoyed reading it. with my favorite show being The Walking Dead I could not wait to read this story when I saw the title. i have great pride to tell Em that I loved the gothic feal of this story. I loved it very much and wished ot read more.
