Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Apacplpti Romance

 woke up to a crashing noise, i looked at the clock and it was the middle of the night. I grabbed the frying pan out of my closet that I keep for instances such as this. i lifted it up in a swinging position and quickly ran into the hallway and looked down the stairs to see ZOMBIES!!! They were everywhere! I scanned through the herd and found my brother Tyler, only thing is he was one of them… when I finished processing the fact i was alone in this I continued looking and saw the crashing noise was my front door! They had knocked down the door i had bolted shut not even three hours ago. I hid behind the corner of the wall and just when i was catching my breath a zombie walked around the corner, it didn't see me and i hit it WHACK!!! All the zombies turned and saw the zombie go down. They now knew where i was. “ dag-nam-it!” i whispered to myself. I started running up the flight of stairs just down the hallway up to the attic, as i was running up a zombie grabbed my leg, right as i was about to bite my leg i smashed his head in BAMB!
“GOTCHA!” I yelled out only to showing the zombies out of my bedroom and to the stairs of the attic. I ran up those stairs faster than the flash. Once i got up there i realized i was stuck. No food. No water. No way to call for help. There was no way out. I was screwed. I then decided to look out the window to see my neighbor with a shotgun.

“Rob! Rob! ROB! Help they trapped me in the attic!” i yelled and he nodded.
 I heard a BaNG and then a few more after that along with some cursing from a not so happy Rob. I watched as he came through the door and before i could warn him a zombie he missed came up and bit him right on the neck, I heard a SQUISH, POP, and SCREAMS coming from Rob as the zombie ate his neck.

“Take my gun and run!” he yelled at me through his sobs.
    After i got the gun I ran to Robs home to get his family to make sure they are safe. As I ran into the house, I was greeted by a group of screaming peopl